
DokuMe Developer

This documentation is showing how to use DokuMe API JavaScript library. Using of DokuMe API is only possible as a registered developer. To get access please contact our Team at and tell us about your needs.

All data is saved in objects on DokuMe. After registration we will tell you all object names and ids you need to know. Basicly for all objects you can use the same methods to interact with data. In following we are descriping the methods of our library.

Public backend

Start using Public DokuMe API library to use DokuMe Data on third places. For public backend there is no user authentification needed. To access data please use your API key in initiate your backend object:

<script src="//"></script>

const BACKEND_URL = '';
const PROFILE_ID = 123;
const API_KEY = 'Xw3sU95PpNXu91f2sZLzEYofhsntz734EOzNe7xhVznxshhsuTVP5Crq90s7IEsS';

const backend = new DokuMe_PublicBackend(BACKEND_URL, API_KEY, PROFILE_ID);

Private backend

For private backend you have to authenticate with your DokuMe Account to work with DokuMe API.

// Authentication library
<script src=""></script>

// Private Backend libary
<script src=""></script>

const BACKEND_URL = '';
const API_KEY = 'Xw3sU95PpNXu91f2sZLzEYofhsntz734EOzNe7xhVznxshhsuTVP5Crq90s7IEsS';


const auth = new DokuMe_Auth(BACKEND_URL);
auth.login(EMAIL, PASSWORD, callback)

const backend = new DokuMe_Backend(BACKEND_URL, auth.config.token);

Set Access Token

This function can be used to change the accessToken in the backend.


Set access (Mandant)

This function can be used to act programmaticly as another user or group when working with DokuMe API

backend.setAccess(profileId, accessId)

Get user information

Use this function if you want to inspect the table structure of the object

backend.getUserOverview(userInterfaceId, callback)